Tuesday, May 14, 2019

May 12, 2019 -- Curiosity in many forms

Sunday May 12, 2019

In the Children's Chapel we introduced the theme of Curiosity and went several directions with it.  The kids knew a lot about curiosity.  We talked about wondering how to do something that you've never tried before.  They knew about asking someone who does know a lot about whatever you're curious about.  That picking good questions to ask is an important part of curiosity.

In general, curiosity is a really good thing that helps us learn.  Sometimes we have to be careful about what we say or do to act on that curiosity.

We read the book Don't Touch My Hair by Sharee Miller.  The kids were captivated as the main character explains how she loves her fluffy, big, curly hair but so does everyone else.  People are always commenting on it and always touching it--usually without asking first.  We talked about if you're curious about someone, get their permission before just touching.  This applies to hair, skin, clothing, wheelchairs, babies, etc.

Continue the conversation at home:  

  • Have you ever had something that everyone is curious about and wants to touch?  How did it feel?  How did you respond?
  • Can you think of a time you were so overcome with curiosity you touched someone or something without asking first?  What might you say if you had a do-over?  

Since it was also Mother's Day, we followed up with some ways to celebrate our own mother or some mothers who we care about even if they are not our mothers.  We were making gift certificates and curious to brainstorm what things we might be able to do for our mothers / parents / friends to make their day special.  Ideas included: just helping out more, cuddling them during a thunderstorm, making them a cup of tea or coffee, helping make everyone's beds around the house, making them breakfast, helping to clean the house.

During the 9am Spiritual Exploration time, we brainstormed hand motions to go with a song for next Sunday's worship which celebrates Lifespan Spiritual Exploration.  The song is "From You I Receive."  If your child was there at 9am, ask them if they remember the hand motions and you can learn it early.  Music here.

During the 11am Spiritual Exploration time, we had enough extra volunteers that we added a choice option of going outside to pick-up litter--thinking of Mother's Day on a big scale of caring for Mother Earth.  Our tie into Curiosity was, how many cigarette butts might we find.  What would you guess?  We were about 10 of us going out for 20 minutes, just around the church yard, and the library yard across the street.  Our guesses were between 25 and 59 or so.  Scroll down to find out the total!

That's right, we found approximately 232 cigarette butts during our brief time outside.  Thank you to the amazing litter picker-uppers and the mathematics team work to figure out the answer to our question.  Our estimate was far too low.  It led us to ask other questions, like "Why do people who smoke throw out the butts?"  "What are they made out of?"  "Could more places put out large cans like we do at the church, to concentrate where the butts get dumped?"

An example of some of the Mothers Day appreciation that some kids chose to focus on.  (We did have copies with blank gender pronouns, for mothers who may use other pronouns besides she/her/hers.).

April 14, 28, and May 5, 2019: All Species Day

Sunday April 14 and Sunday April 28 were in part spent preparing for All Species Day--an opportunity to celebrate the WHOLENESS of the web of life of which we are a part.

May 5, 2019 was an actual Multigenerational Service completely dedicated to All Species Day.  Click here to listen to the story that Rev. Joan and I wrote, which wove through the entire worship service.

Spiritual Theme: As Unitarian Universalists, the 7 principles are a guide for how to live.  The 7th principle is to honor the interconnected web of life.  What can we do at church to honor that web?  

1. We talked about what animal energy was living inside of us on that day and moved as a group like those animals that were mentioned as we went around the circle.  

2. All ages were given a chance to make masks or other animal / plant props either for themselves on May 5th, or as loaner masks.  

On April 14th, kids who wanted a different option made pudding for the free Monday Community Lunch that we serve at the church.  

Both groups showed great teamwork and honoring of our covenant in how they shared materials and tasks.  

Thank you to all the kids, youth, and volunteers who helped make this Multigenerational Worship Service come to life!

Continue the conversation at home:

  • What animal or plant energy is living inside you today?  (Enegetic = bunny? tadpole?  Shy = kitten?) 
  • Go for a walk and look for signs of plants and animals that are interconnected.  (ex. insects pollinating the flowers, food chains, etc.). 
  • Can you think of a lesson you've learned from nature?  (ex. a soaring hawk might remind us that sometimes relaxing can actually help us get where we want to go, or a loud pair of nesting birds reminds us to speak up and work hard to protect or defend that which we care about)

                        Below: Great flier made by 3rd grade artist Elena Guadagno.  Thank you, Elena!


Peace is Something We Do

This piece was written in September 2011, shortly after the floods caused by Hurricane Irene.  I could have written it this week.  At the ti...