Wednesday, June 9, 2021

LSE Volunteers and our Appreciation

Beth, Ginnie, and Liz--part of our amazing LSE Committee this year.  
(Not pictured: Kate Spring, Margaret Blanchard, and Gale Pekar)


Rev. William Ellery Channing had a deep respect for the developing faith identities of young Unitarian Universalists. 
A flaming chalice burned into these stirring 
utensils are our gift to facilitators of LSE 
programs and LSE Committee members this year.  

These words ring true today as well and they serve as the inspiration for the thank you gift to this year's Lifespan Spiritual Exploration volunteers. This quote is applicable to children as well as adult participants in our LSE programming: 

"The great end in religious instruction is not to stamp our minds upon the young, but to stir up their own; 

not to make them see with our eyes, but to look inquiringly and steadily with their own; 

not to give them a definite amount of knowledge, but to inspire a fervent love of truth; 

not to form an outward regularity, but to touch inward springs; 

not to bind them by ineradicable prejudices to our particular sect or peculiar notions, but to prepare them for impartial, conscientious judging of whatever subjects may be offered to their decision; 

not to burden the memory, but to quicken and strengthen the power of thought; 

not to impose religion upon them in the form of arbitrary rules, but to awaken the conscience, the moral discernment. 

In a word, the great end in religious instruction is to awaken the soul, to excite and cherish spiritual life."

Many thanks to all the volunteers who helped us stay connected to each other and our spiritual life during this challenging year.  

LSE Committee:

Beth Merrill, chair (and Maizy)

Margaret Blanchard

Liz Benjamin

Ginnie Humphreys

Kate Spring (and Waylon)

Gale Pekar


Leslie Parr during a Small Group Ministry service project.

SGM:Diana Chace

Sue Stukey

Leslie Parr

Mary Jane Ohlson

Soul Matters: 

Alona Tate

Stephen Brown

Margot Prendergast

Tory Rhodin

Seasoned Souls Support

Hugo Liepmann

Tina Ruth

Ted Allen 

Dave Peters

Mary Jane Ohlson

Kristen Glaser

Dick Jenney

Owning Your Religious Past: 

Verdis Robinson

UU History: Ann Earle

Tending to Loss (grief retreat): Donna Smith, Rev. Joan

Talking about Race with Kids/Youth: Meredith Warner (Liz B. too)

Natural Movement: baylen sky

Children’s Chapel leaders:

Janet Poeton

Liz Benjamin

Kate Spring

Beth Merrill

4th-6th grade Coffee Hours:

Dell Waterhouse

HS Youth Group:Pat Meehan and Elizabeth Peebles


John Poeton

March Mystery Madness:

Deborah Van Ness

Special event support:

Judith Hinds

Elena Guadagno

Juniper Swick

Marissa Earle-Centers

Maddie Lindberg

Nancy Chickering

Vic Guadagno

Eileen Shine

Art Stukey

Susan Koch

Sarah Rosenthal

Care Network volunteers who helped with Care Package deliveries to UCM families.  

Thank you to ALL the participants across the lifespan for staying connected and learning together!    


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